Upcoming Learning Series

What Does It Mean To Be A Leader As A Kid?
Sunday June 9th

In the fast-paced world of today, it's not uncommon for parents to notice a shift in the balance between education and life skills. Many of us recall a time when youngsters seemed to possess a broader array of abilities, a willingness to try new things, and a determination to overcome challenges. Yet, in recent years, it appears that more children are developing narrower interests and skill sets. As parents, it's natural to ponder whether we are doing enough to cultivate the spirit of exploration and resiliency in our kids.

On June 9th, McKeel Hagerty is going to help our kids redirect their energy towards becoming enthusiastic learners of the little things, igniting their curiosity to delve deeper into the world around them through leadership development.

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Entrepreneurship for Kids
Sunday Sept 8th

Business ideas can come to fruition at any moment. Today, regardless of the great entrepreneurial leaders and plethora of resources, a lot of starting a business depends on a person’s ability to keep trying after facing failure. During this session, we’ll take a no-nonsense approach to being an entrepreneur. The good, the bad, the ugly – we’ll teach you how to make the most of every curveball.

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Dreaming up your Life
Sunday Dec 8th

Creating a dreamboard is just the first step in accomplishing your dreams. Once that’s done, a dreamboard’s power is in how it helps hold the goal-setter accountable. Looking at your whiteboard every day motivates you to continue working towards your goals, and having the support of the people in your life helps even more. For parents, simply asking about how certain goals are going or helping to break down big goals into smaller sub-goals can be extremely powerful ways to support kids who are just learning how to dreamboard.

Our dream lives await, no matter how old we are. If we’re willing to set goals, work toward them, and keep ourselves accountable in the journey, the power of dreamboarding is limitless.

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